
How To Keep Avocado Fresh Longer

The dos and don'ts of avocado storage.

Avocados are famously finicky—it sometimes feels similar they get from unripe and hard to overripe and mushy in the glimmer of an eye. Here's how to store them so yous don't miss your window:

How Long Practise Avocados Last?

Avocados on white background Getty four/27/20

Credit: Wanwisa Hernandez / EyeEm/Getty Images

Wanwisa Hernandez / EyeEm/Getty Images

An unripe avocado will last a few days to a week at room temperature. Fully ripe avocados, meanwhile, will terminal virtually three to five more days in the fridge.

How to Ripen Avocados—And How Do You Know When They're Ripe?


Credit: Poh Kim Yeoh / EyeEm/Getty Images

Poh Kim Yeoh / EyeEm/Getty Images

Avocados are different from many other fruits because they don't ripen on the tree. Instead, they don't achieve full maturity until afterwards they've been harvested.

To speed up the process, you can stick an unripe avocado in a newspaper bag with a assistant or an apple. This works because these fruits have a establish hormone (ethylene) that triggers ripening. The paper handbag traps the ethylene gases that they naturally produce, so the avocado ripens quicker than it would have stored by itself.

How to Store Whole Avocados

Fridge avocado Getty iv/27/twenty

Credit: byryo/Getty Images

byryo/Getty Images

Avocados in different stages of ripening should be stored in different ways.

  • Ripe avocados feel firm but give to gentle pressure and have night dark-green/blackness bumpy skin. Store ripe avocados in the fridge for iii to five days.
  • Unripe avocados are lighter in colour and are quite difficult. Store unripe avocados at room temperature until they've reached tiptop ripeness. Speed up the process by storing them with bananas or apples, equally detailed above.
  • Overripe avocados are very mushy and may have dented pare. Throw these avocados away.

How to Store Cut Avocados


Credit: Alexander Spatari/Getty Images

Alexander Spatari/Getty Images

Store cut avocados in the fridge. Information technology's of import to note that, in one case cut, the green interior of the fruit volition quickly begin to turn brown. This isn't necessarily a bad affair, just information technology won't wait very flavory.

You lot can slow down browning past coating any exposed mankind with fresh lemon juice. Subsequently applying the juice, wrap the avocado pieces in plastic wrap or beeswax and store in the fridge for 2 to three days.

Another way to store cut avocado is to submerge the pieces in water and place the covered container in the fridge for two to three days.

Can You Freeze Avocados?

Yes, you can freeze avocados! Simply it'southward important to make sure they're at peak ripeness before you do. Unripe avocados will probably never ripen if they're frozen.

You don't need to bound through whatever hoops if y'all're freezing a whole avocado—but put the fruit in the freezer and call it a solar day. If yous've already cut into the avocado, mash information technology and mix in a petty lemon juice to foreclose browning.

Stored properly, avocados tin can last iii to 6 months in the freezer.


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